简要说明 Descriptive abstract 含尘气体在压力作用下,经过进风口进入除尘机,此时气流扩张,流速降低会导致大颗粒粉尘在重力作用下从含尘气体中分离,掉落到集尘抽屉中。其余细微粉尘会随着气流方向粘附在滤芯外壁,再由振动装置进行清粉。净化后的空气穿过滤芯,过滤网布从顶端出风口排出。 主要特征 Main features 1,精美大气:整机(包括风机)采用全不锈钢制作,符合食品级工作环境。 Elegant & splendid:Whole machine are made from full stainless steel including draught fan, it is accord with working environment of food grade. 2,高效:折叠式微米级单筒滤芯,能吸附更多粉尘。 High efficiency:The singlde drum filter of folding micron grade can absort more powders 3,强力:专用多叶片风轮设计,具有更强劲的吸风能力 Strong strength:Secial design of multi blade wind wheel with more stronger suction abiblity. 4,清粉方便:一键式反吹清粉机构,能更有效的清除附在滤筒上的粉,更有效的除尘 Convenient cleaning:One-key type vibraion cleaning powders, be more efficient to romove the powders which attached the cylindar filter, clean dusts efficiently. 5,人性化:滤芯快速拆卸,无需工具快速更换 Hommization:Quick disassembly of filter core without rapid replacement of tools 6,低噪音:专用隔音棉,有效降低噪音 Lower noises:Special insulation cotton reduce noises more efficiently. 7,卫生级:集粉仓和门板采用圆弧角,无死角无残留 The powder collection bin and door plate shall be of arc angle, no dead angle and no residue. |